Monday, February 18, 2008

Lincoln's newest Joke

sidenote: Lincoln won't button up his jammies because he is clark kent and may need to get into his super suit at any moments notice. Andrew, did you like Lincoln's video?


Le said...

That's hilarious!! Thank you for the videos, we watched them several times and I'm sure we'll come back and watch them again as we do Lincoln's other videos, especially the dragon hotwheels.
Lincoln Logs are the best. Andrew loves to build with his, but he's a little perfectionist (no idea where he got that from) so I end up building the whole town and Lindyzilla destroys it.

Juannaelmi said...

I love the joke. Nate is so excited for swimming lessons as well. If I ask him what he is doing next week he just says swimming with Lincoln.

Michelle said...

That is a pretty clever joke, where did he hear that one?

Anna said...

a library book daddy got.

Eve said...

I know this has nothing to do with the post, but I looove your sofa.