Friday, June 3, 2011


After 4 or 5 cancelled games (due to our awesome spring) baseball finally started. Poor Lincoln has never played, and hasn't really practiced. But he's getting it. And it's always nice to see other peoples children acting just as poorly as yours does on the sidelines.
Miss Ruby as usual is a handful at the game. I've had to take her on my own and I don't even get to watch the game. Tonight she even slipped on the bleacher and cut her lip so bad there was blood everywhere. I looked away for seriously 2 seconds because Lincoln was up. :(
I don't think she's invited anymore. Bleachers are not for 2 year olds. Especially ones who love to climb, jump and scream cannonball!!!!


Michelle said...

I love that you don't know who is playing in the out field and who is on which team because they are all just hanging out talking ;) so fun

Le said...

Megan plays on the grass, rolling down the hill. One time she started walking down the sidewalk and when I yelled for her to come back she yelled back, "I'm going to Mayzie's!" Unfortunately she knows the way and I had to run and get her.

Juannaelmi said...

Our baseball season was a bit of a downer this year. I believe we had 8 games canceled for rain (one was the same team 3 times). We have our last game this Friday and ours is all over. It's serious here, dugouts, chalked fields, catcher's gear and yet our dugout looked about the same. Justin's biggest frustration was the dugout this year.
Hope your season goes better and Miss Ruby catches a game or two :)

Anna said...

I bet justin is a good coach! our coach doesn't even have practices, He'll tell us they are canceled, for no reason. i'm so done with sports. I don't know if I can do this forever! :)

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