Friday, January 29, 2010

Day three- museums

today was very amazing, sobering, thought provoking and long. I am inspired by the african american spirit. The alabama people are awesome. :)
We went to a restaurant tonight and had meat, meat and more meat. topped it off with southern banana pudding. :)
My pictures won't load tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow.
it was really cool though.
I'm missing my kiddies, and my hubby. But I am loving my once in a lifetime experience.
Selma Alabama tomorrow, then the long ride home. :)
It's raining and cold today and tomorrow. Oh well. Not near as cold as home. :)


red said...

I was going to feel sad for you that you miss your kids and it's kind of cold...until that last comment...punk! Your cute kids got to play here today I have some videos and very cute pictures. I'm excited to see pictures. Jared is doing a great job. Have fun. I think a HUGE snow storm is headed there soon...but not here :)

Jared said...

chance of a lifetime huh...guess I'll have to visit by myself next time :). I'm glad you are enjoying it, can't wait to see more pictures.